5 Feb 2008

Honors Council

I did have perfectly good intentions to keep everyone posted consistently. Sorry, I have been slackingly busy, and I have so much to cover now.

I wrote the below post FOREVER ago, as you can see by the date. 2.5.08.


Monday we had another Honors meeting where we had most of the upperclassmen come and decide the Honors Council members. There were five major positions to fill, plus committe members, and we had a volunteer (voting if conflicts arose) session and the Honors Council was formed.

Dacia(roommate) is President, I am Vice President, Melanie(roommate) is Head of Publicity, Andy(coolperson) is Head of Activites, and Sarah(coolperson) is Historian.

I am so excited for the Honors activities we have planned! This semester is going to amazing and SO much fun. We have Mad lectures and Movies Nights (Though those aren't through Honors because it is illegal. Long story, maybe I will tell you sometime) and a Mystery "dinner" that, if we can pull off what we want to, will rock! The Mystery we want to do is about characters coming out of their library books at night and one of the characters, King Henry VIII, disappears and you have to figure out who kidnapped him. We might, MIGHT, be able to actually do it in the library after it closes, which would be totally awesome!!


Which we did get to do just last Friday. The Murder Mystery in the Library thing. And it was in the library after hours, which absolutely rocked. It was wickedly cool. Don't worry, you will hear more about it. I took lots and lots of pictures. :) Lots. 298 to be exact. It was that cool.

That will be in my next post however, since I am currently too busy to catch up on that at this exact moment. I am also sick, so (at the moment anyway) if I don't have to do anything, I am not going to do it.

Love you all! Thanks for reading and keeping me posted! Love hearing from you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Your murder mystery dinner sounds super fun! Do you remember that time we had a murder mystery dinner for Carrie's birthday? That was funny. I miss you. Let's both go home for the summer and play! What are your summer plans? Did you hear about Tyler and Jana?


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