On Friday, Melanie's, one of my roommates, "friend" came over. Rob and Melanie have been dating for more than a year now, but he is leaving on a mission soon so the became "just friends." They have actually been really good, we haven't had any PDA's--not even a kiss goodnight. They are so cute, and it has been good for her to see him.
Kate and I decided to watch a TV series called Cristi this weekend. Ha. Big mistake. We watched a couple of hours on Friday night then, after the Relief Society Broadcast on Saturday and a trip to the store, we watched Cristi from 10-ish p.m. to 7 A.M. Sunday morning. Yeah, maybe it would have been worth it, if it had ENDED! Uhhgg! Long story, but was at the critical moment in the story and she was going to choose who she was going to marry and then it ENDED!! They lost funding! You know how in Toy Story 2, where Woody is watching his tv show and he has to save Jesse and the Prospector and he is leaping over the canyon with Bullseye and then it ends? That is exactly what happened, only worse. So that is how we wasted 12 hours of our life. I was so mad!! Do you know how many hours of homework I procrastinated for that movie? Too many. We got three hours of sleep that night because we had to get up by ten for church.
Anyway, enough of my rant for the evening. Sunday was good, we had a potluck Fast Break Dinner with the other Bell apartments. We made flyers and everything. They looked like this, only there was a cool little picture at the end and the font was fancier.
Fast Sunday Dinner
You are cordially invited to Apartment number three at thirty minutes past four o’clock on Sunday afternoon for a social gathering and dinner. Please bring a scrumptious item of food to be shared among the four apartments. We anxiously anticipate the pleasure of your company!
Yours etc,
The ladies of the third Bell Apartment,
Miss Samantha
Miss Kate
Miss Amy
Miss Dacia
Miss Melanie
Miss Monica
Out of the 18 girls we invited only three came, but it was still fun and we had so much food. It kind of felt like Thanksgiving in September. We had Irish Soda Bread, rolls, Shallapas (an enchilada dish), Shepherd's Pie, Roasted Potatoes, Turkey Stuffing and Frozen Yogurt Pie. It was amazing and we had a lot of fun. Then Kate and I got ready to go to bed so that we could get up at four and do the homework that we had procrastinated for that bloomin' movie. The rest of our roommates and a few friends however, had a late birthday party for Rob. Mel made a cake, and gave him his birthday present, which is where the sword comes in. We sang Happy Birthday to him and he blew out the candles in one breath and then he cut the cake with his sword. It was quite funny actually; I got some pictures.

(Thats Emily laughing in the background; she's not a roommate, just a friend.)
After that Kate and I tried unsuccesfully to go to sleep. Well, at least I did. Since our room is downstairs, connected to the kitchen and living room, the party was practically in our room. And though I love all of my roommates and friends dearly, I was quite put out when they decided to play The Animal Game. They are all naturally loud, but this game involves animal noises, such as dolphins and elephants and the like. It is extremely entertaining to listen to, unless you are trying to go to sleep and don't want to feel as though you are in a zoo with a bunch of animal-imitating hyenas. Then they moved to a different game which was even worse. Instead of the noise, the had to call out the names: dog, cat! Cat, cheetah! Cheetah, dog! Dog, cat! Cat, dog! Dog, cat! Cat, dog! I did eventually fall asleep, and Kate and I got up at 4...30...ish to do some homwork before we headed to school at 7. And that is how my weekend was.
Overall, it was quite fun. I love the weekends. I give it a 7 out of 10. :)
Well I had better be going. I still have some homework to do before I go to bed. Ta ta!
FUN! I am glad that you had a weekend that rated a 7. You deserve it! I love seeing pictures. Keep posting!
ReplyDeleteOh to be young enough to survive a night like that again! But you know, surviving on no sleep and still getting your homework done and going to class is part of what college is all about! Glad you have some great friends and are having a great time! Just try to get a little sleep--preferably without the "wild kingdom"! Aunt Michelle
ReplyDeleteCOOL! I like the cake cutting pics, they are awesome... makes me want cake real bad! haha. Love the update as usual, and you make me miss the college life! Late nights and oblivious roommates and all. :) love ya!