The rest of the summer was very hot, and went somewhat quickly. Brandon had started his first rotation, which happened to be his Internal Med rotation (also known as Eternal Med). His days were 12-14 hours long, and he worked 6 days a week. Consequently, Oliver and I didn't see him very often, but we got good at taking public transit and having fun by ourselves. This was when I finally made myself sit down and start writing about Oliver's birth and my postpartum depression, which kickstarted this whole "blogging to catch up" campaign.
Oliver learned to crawl, and started learning how to walk, cruising around clinging to furniture and the walls. He also learned how to climb things. Luckily, he has not realized the climbing potential of the bookshelves yet, but I'm afraid it is only a matter of time.
One thing I absolutely adore about summer in Portland are the outdoor markets. Food, music, activities, fresh flowers and people watching...what's not to love? I guess if you're not a crowd person you might not like them, but I don't mind crowds in markets. It makes it easier to blend in and observe. I did not go to as many as I would have liked, but Oliver and I did go to a few. Once I splurged a little bit and got an artichoke tamale (SO GOOD!), and to my surprise, Oliver really wanted to try some. Then he did not want to stop eating it, and he was most put out when there was no more left. It appears he has been aptly named Oliver Scott: Scott after my father who is the king of hot and spicy, and loves Mexican food.
Other than surviving Bran's I.M. rotation, and trying to get used to not having a car, the latter part of summer was pretty uneventful, though there were plenty of adorable Oliver moments to capture with film. I could flood Facebook and Instagram with pictures of Oliver, but I try to be discreet and not annoy you all with the overwhelming cuteness. So, it gets translated to my blog instead, where you may look at them if you like, but you don't have to. Enjoy!
In September, right before Brandon finished with his Internal med rotation, Oliver and I flew out for a visit in Utah. It was about a week, and we had a great time with my family and we even got to see Brandon's family for a little bit as well. He loved his first experience on a swing, but had dubious feelings about the slide. We had a great time and can't wait to go back for Christmas!
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