12 Apr 2011

Invisible Man and Painted People

So, I decided I would start blogging again. Yay! Sam is back in blogging! (Thank you few faithful followers. You have inspired me.)

I'll write a more extensive update about me and my life soon, but for now, I just wanted to share some awesomely crazy stuff that I've found online.

Invisible Man


Liu Bolin, a Chinese photographer, is meticulously covered in paint so he disappears into his surroundings. It can take up to 10 hours to prepare for a single shot. Isn't it brilliant? And fabulously mind-blowing?

via Here and here.

Painted People

Artist Alexa Meade paints portraits on people, so they look like two-dimensional representations of themselves.

So crazy cool huh?

via here.

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cool! It took me forever to spot the guy in front of the bulldozer. The people paintings are a little freaky.


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