17 Jun 2008

Long time.

Hey all of my readers out there! (If I have any left, that is.) I am working at Trefoil Ranch as a counselor this summer, and, most of the time anyway, I absolutely love it. Trefoil Ranch is a girl scout camp up Provo Canyon, with all sorts of awesome things to do, not the least of which is horseback riding. Right now I am one of the Star Riders five counselors, which are the girls ages 9-11. I only have four minutes left of my break, so I will say adios for now, and I'll write again when I can!


  1. I'm so glad you wrote even just a midget - Are you taking any photos? I bet it is beautiful at the ranch. I look forward to hearing more -

  2. Sam thats great!! Thanks for the update! SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. you are almost as bad as me with the posts. can't wait till you are back at SUU with laptop in hand, i'm sure we'll hear more then. atleast I hope. love ya!


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